
I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon
his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast was like unto a leopard,
and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a
lion. And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great
authority." Revelation 13:1,2.
leopard beast of Revelation 13 is the same as the little horn power of
Daniel Seven —papal Rome. The little horn came up among the ten kingdoms
of Europe. The leopard beast came up "out of the sea"—which
means that it arose among many peoples (waters in Bible prophecy symbolize
people—Revelation 17:15). Both the great red dragon of chapter 12.
and the leopard beast of chapter 3 have seven heads and ten horns,—identifying
them both as Roman. The one is Satan working through pagan Rome, and the
other is his activity through its successor, papal Rome. The
terrible beast of Daniel 1 (pagan Rome) had ten horns, and then the little
horn arose. And in the book of Revelation, the leopard beast, or papal
Rome, follows the dragon beast, or pagan Rome. "The beasts of Daniel
and John are empires. The ten horned beast is the Roman power. . The head
is the governing body. The heads of this beast represent successive
governments. —H.Grattan Guinness, Romanism and the Reformation, pp.144-145.
leopard beast had the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion, thus
combining the symbols of Daniel Seven in which a lion stood for Babylon, a
bear for Medo-Persia, and the leopard for Grecia. And the leopard beast
had seven heads and ten horns as Rome did. Thus as history confirms, the
beliefs and practices of papal Rome are a hybrid or composite of the
heathen religions of these ancient nations—Babylon, Medo-Persia,
Greece and Rome. Many books have been written in the last one hundred
years proving this. Roman Catholic writers admit it—the teachings and
church organization of Catholicism is derived from ancient paganism. The
papacy is the direct heir of the mystery religions of the east and
especially of ancient Babylon. And so Bible prophecy described it as
"Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots." Revelation 17:5.
mighty Catholic Church was little more than the Roman Empire baptized."...:A.C.
Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church, 1909 edition, p. 148. From
ancient Babylon came the cult of the virgin mother-—goddess, who was
as the highest of gods—see S.H. Langdon, Semitic Mythology, 1 ?31
edition. This worship was taken over as Mary worship by Rome. Heathen
sun-worship on Sunday was likewise adopted by the Roman apostasy.
Newman lists many examples of things of "pagan origin" which
the papacy brought into the church "in order to recommend the new
religion to the heathen:" "The use of temples,. and these
dedicated. to particular. saints, and ornamented on occasions with
branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; holy water; asylums
[hermitages, —monasteries and convents]; [pagan] holydays, processions,
sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the
East, images,. . and the Kyrie Eleison." J.H. Newman, An Essay on the
Development of Christian Doctrine, 1920 edition, p. 373 {Roman Catholic}.
after emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire decreed Sunday-keeping
in the fourth century, he moved east and built Constantinople as his new
capital. The western half of the empire was left more to the control of
the pope. Then in 538, the emperor, Justinian, gave the pope still more
civil and religious, authority over the nations,—and the 1260 years
of papal supremacy began. The dragon (pagan .Rome) gave the
beast (papal Rome) its religious power, seat of government (the City of
Rome, the largest and most important city in the world in the early
centuries), and its civil or governmental authority. The word
"see" used in the "Holy See" means "seat." And there
the pope sits today, in the city of Rome; the seat of the ancient pagan
empire. Pagan Rome gave papal Rome its seat or see.
removal of the capital of the Empire from Rome to Constantinople in 330,
left the Western Church, practically free from imperial power, to develop
its own form of organization. The Bishop of Rome, in the seat of the Caesars, was now the greatest man
in the West, and was soon [when the
barbarians overran the Empire] forced to become the political as well as
the spiritual head."—A.C. Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church,
p. 168.
Roman elements the barbarians and Arians left. . [came] under the
protection of the Bishop of Rome, who was the chief person there after the
Emperor's disappearance .: The Roman Church in this way privily pushed
itself into the place of the Roman World-Empire, of which it is the
actual continuation; the empire has not perished, but has only undergone a
transformation . . It, [the Catholic Church] is a political creation, and as
imposing as a World—Empire,
because it is a continuation of] the Roman Empire. The Pope, who calls
himself 'King' and 'Pontifex Maximus' [the title of the Roman Emperor in
the time of Christ] , is Caesar's successor;"
—Adolf Hamack, What is Christianity?1903,pp. 269-270.
of the time, about 500 A.D., when the Roman Empire was crumbling to pieces,
"No, the [Catholic] Church will not descend into the tomb. It
will survive the Empire. At length a second empire will arise, and of
this empire, the Pope will be the master—more than this, he will be the
master of Europe. He will dictate his orders to kings who will obey
them." —Andrea Lagarde, The Latin Church in the Middle Ages,1915 p.
I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to 'death, and his deadly wound
was healed—and an the world wondered after the beast." Revelation
wound took place the very year the 1260 Years ended—1798. Berthier, the
French general under Napoleon entered Rome and took the pope, (Pius. VI)
captive. He was hurried from prison to prison and died eighteen months,
the French fortress of Valence. In 1870 another blow came to the papacy
when Italy seized the city of Rome as its capital. The Pope became a
voluntary "prisoner of the Vatican." But the deadly wound was to
be healed. In 1929 Cardinal Gasparri met Premier Mussolini in the palace
of St. John Lateran and the Treaty of the Vatican was signed, returning
temporal power to the papacy, as it was again made into a kingdom with
its own territory.
the world recognized the historic significance of this act. Its result
.was to "heal a wound of 59 years," according to The Catholic
Advocate of Australia, April 18, 1929, p. 16. The front page of the San
Francisco Chronicle of February 12, 1929 carried pictures of Gasparri
and Mussolini, signers of the concordat, with the headline, "Heal
Wound of Many Years." The Associated Press dispatch said of the event,
"In affixing the autographs to the memorable document, healing the
wound which has festered since 1870, extreme cordiality was displayed on
both sides." Again, just before its final destruction, the papacy
could say, "I sit a queen and am no widow, and shall see no
sorrow." Revelation 18:7 (Isaiah 47:7-15, Revelation 17:18).
1929 the Italian government recognized the Vatican City as an independent
state. The pope was again a king. On March 9, 1929, the pope said,
"The peoples of the entire world are with us:' Gradually the papacy
is regaining power. "Yet since then [1798] the Papacy has been lifted
to a pinnacle of spiritual power unreached it may be, since earliest
Christian history."—The Modem Papacy, page 1 [Roman Catholic].
is the little horn power of Daniel Seven, that was to rule for "forty
two months" (Revelation 13:5), which equals 1260 days of prophetic
years. And he . "opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to
blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in
heaven." Revelation13:6. "There was given unto him a mouth
speaking great things and blasphemies." Revelation 13:5, compare
Daniel 7:8,20, 25. By Claiming to be vicar of Christ on earth, he "sitteth
in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." 2
he was to "make war with the saints, and to overcome them, and power
was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."
Revelation 13:7, Here is another view of the persecution of the true
church in the wilderness through long ages of papal darkness (Revelation
12: 13.16), by that power that prophecy said would "wear out the
saints of the most high." Daniel 7:25.
the 2,000 years the [Roman Catholic] Church has been on this earth, she
has warred with nearly every government in this world. The world is full
of their ruins. Their thrones have toppled over and fallen, their
dynasties have come to dust. And the governments of the world today will
meet the same fate if they challenge the hostility of the church of God.
She remains; she is today what she was 2,000 years ago; she is today
what she was during the Middle Ages; she is today what she was during the
times of Protestant persecution during and since the sixteenth century; she
is the invincible church of God. God help the state that attacks her; God
help the king that provokes her hostility."—from a sermon by the
Catholic priest D.S.Phelanon Sunday, Dec. 12, 1909, published in the Roman
Catholic (St. Louis) periodical, The Western Watchman, Dec. 16, 1909.
these bloody maxims [Roman Catholic decrees to kill Protestants] those
persecutions were carried on . . After the signal of open martyrdom had
been given in the canons of Orleans, there followed the extirpation of the
[French] AIbigenses, under the form of a crusade, the establishment of
the inquisition, the cruel attempts to extinguish the [Swiss] WaIdenses,
the martyrdoms of the [English] Lollards, the cruel wars to exterminate
the Bohemians, the burning of Huss and Jerome, and multitudes of other
confessors, before the Reformation; and afterwards, the ferocious
cruelties practiced in the Netherlands, the martyrdoms of Queen Mary's
reign, the extinction by fire and sword of the reformation in Spain and Italy, by fraud and open persecution in Poland, the massacre of
Bartholomew, the persecution of the [French] Huguenots by the [Catholic]
League,.. and all the cruelties and perjuries connected with the
revocation of the edict of Nantes [in France].. These are the more open
and conspicuous facts which explain the prophecy [of Daniel Seven], besides
the slow and secret murders of the holy tribunal of the inquisition."—T.R.
Birks "The Four Prophetic Empire" 1845 ed., pp. 248-249. ..
Apostasy of the Dark Ages is to have a marvelous revival of power in the
near future. "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,
whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the
foundation of the
If any man hear, let him hear. "Revelation 13:8-9. But of this, we
shall learn more
later in this study.
I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns
like a Iamb, and he spake as a dragon," Revelation 13:11.
previous beast
came up out of the sea, " indicating it would arise in an area of many "peoples and nations and
tongues," for this is what water
symbolizes (Revelation 11 :15). But this second beast was to come up out
of the "earth" in an area comparatively low in population. 1n 1798,
when the Papal power received its deadly wound, the United Stales, located
in the western continent, was the only great world power
then coming into prominence in such a relatively uninhabited territory.
Only nine years previously (in 1789), the United States had adopted its
national constitution. It is within the territory of the United States
that we are to look for a fulfillment of this prophecy.
Wesley in his note on Revelation 13:11, written in 1754, says of the
two-homed or second beast of Revelation 13: "He is not yet come, though
he cannot" far off. For he is to appear at the end of the
forty-two months of the first beast." _John Wesley, Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament, 1791 edition, vol. 3, p. 299.
prominent writer, describing the rise of the United States, speaks of
.the 'the mystery of her coming forth from vacancy and says, like a silent
seed we grew into empire." [G.A..Townsend, The New World Compared
with the Old, 1869, p.462). A European journal in 1850 spoke of the United
States as a wonderful empire, which was 'emerging' and 'amid the silence
of the earth daily adding to its power and pride.' (The Dublin Nation)."—Great Controversy, p. 440.
had two horns like a Iamb." Revelation 13:11. The nations of the past
were pictured in the Bible as beasts of prey, filled with intolerance,
persecution and oppression. In contrast, the United States was founded
upon the principles of civil and religious liberty, equality and
tolerance. These principles were written into the Constitution and its
Bill of Rights. For many years those who sought relief from persecution
and strife, sought its shores.
shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of Speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably
to assemble, and to petition the Government for, a redress of
grievances:'— The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
of America, in United States Code, 1958 edition, p. 46.
'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment means at least
this: Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church.
Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer
one religion over another. Neither can force nor influence a person to go
to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a
belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for
entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church
attendance or nonattendance. . No tax in any amount, large Or small, can
be levied to support any religious activity or institutions" whatever
they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice
religion. Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, Openly or
secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or
groups and vice versa. In the Words Of Jefferson, the clause against establishment
Of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall Of separation between Church and
State: "—US. Supreme Court Decision,
Everson v. Board of Education, 330 US. 1 (Feb. 10, 1947), in US. Reports,
pp. 15-16.
he spake as a dragon." Revelation 13:11. The voice of intolerance and
persecution. We would rather that such might never happen in this free
land. But farseeing statesmen have long recognized that the tendency to
enforce religious dogmas by civil law is all too common with mankind,
and is liable to break out in active persecution in unexpected places
unless specifically guarded against.
exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the
earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly
wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders. . and deceiveth them
that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had, power
to do in the sight of the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did
live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the
image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not
worship the image of the beast should be killed." Revelation
Jefferson, in a letter to a Jewish rabbi: "Your universal spirit of religious
intolerance is inherent in every sect . . Our laws have applied the antidote
to the vice . . but more remains to be done; for although we
are free by the law, we are not so in practice. Public opinion erects
itself into an Inquisition, and exercises its office with as much
fanaticism as fans the flames of an auto da fe [a burning of heretics]
."Letter to Mordecai M. Noah, May 28, 1818, Thomas Jefferson Papers
voL 213, p. 37988. Library of Congress.
"first beast before him". —Papal
Rome—was foremost is persecuting all who differed with it in religious
matters. This second beast will be empowered by Satan to work apparent
miracles to win the multitudes to follow its dictates. And it will cause
an image of the first beast to be made. The first beast—the Papacy—was
a combining of church and state, that then used its civil powers to crush
all opposition to its religious decree.
image, or duplicate, of this beast is to be made—for the purpose of
opposing the principles and laws of God, an image that will seek to
destroy all who stand in its way. Those who do not accept the dictates of
this image—beast will be ordered slain. We are here viewing the basics
of an immense crisis that is to occur in our time.
he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
and bond, to receive a Mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the Mark, or the name
of the beast, or the number of his name." —Revelation 13:16-17.
order to understand the methods and objectives of the image-beast, we
must understand those of the beast. We find these policies and aims listed
in Daniel 7 :25. "And he shall speak great words against the most
High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change
times and laws." The objectives given here are three in number:
1—Blasphemy against God by pretending to assume power that belongs to
Him alone. 2—Persecution of the people of God because they will not
accept these blasphemous claims and its religious teachings. 3—An
attempt to 'change the laws of God especially His "time" law
and to enforce these changes upon all men.
is the basis of the image beast of Revelation Thirteen. This is the
reason for the persecution and the crisis described there. This is the
key to an understanding of the Mark of the Beast.
Mark of the Beast is based on worship (Revelation 13: 15). The worship of
God on the Seventh-day Sabbath is the most rejected law of God in our
day. The test of the final crisis will be centered around this issue. Will
we obey man or God? Men will be marked. Sunday worship will be the deciding
factor. This will be the basis for deciding who will buy or sell. Those
who refuse to disobey God's Time Law—the Seventh-day Sabbath will be
persecuted for not accepting the mark of loyalty to earthly powers. It
will be decreed that they must die. In that day, only God will be the
defense and Protector of His people. The prayer of His people will be,
"It is time for Thee, Lord, to work,—for they have made void Thy
law." Psalm 119:126.
It will have come to pass that which has not
the time of Noah—the whole world will be opposed to a small group who
alone stand in defense of the God of Heaven and His laws. At such a time,
if God were to wait longer,—righteousness and truth and the people of
God would be wiped from the face of the earth. The time will have come for
God to step in.
Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus
Christ Himself hidden under the veil of the flesh. Does the Pope speak? It
is Jesus Christ who speaks. Does the Pope
accord a favor or pronounce an anathema? It. is Jesus Christ who
pronounces the anathema or accords the favor. So that when the Pope speaks
we have no business to examine. We have only to obey. We have no right to
criticize his direction or discuss his commands."—The Archbishop
of Venice, prior to becoming Pope Pius X.
"We have taken this
principle for a basis: that the Catholic religion with all its rites ought
to be exclusively dominant, in such sort that every other worship shall be
banished and interdicted. It is a cause of supreme bitterness to the
heart of the Holy Father [the pope] not to be able otherwise to impose a
limit to so much evil, as he certainly would if he could make use of other
means to bridle their insane license." —Pope Pius IX..
Adventists are the only body of Christians with the Bible as their teacher,
who can
no warrant in its pages for the change of day from the seventh to the
first. . Reason and common sense demand the acceptance of one or the other
of these alternatives: either Protestantism and the keeping holy of
Saturday, or Catholicity and the keeping holy of Sunday. Compromise is impossible." Catholic
Mirror, Sept. 2 and Dec. 23, 1893 {This
Baltimore journal was at that time the official organ of Cardinal
Gibbons}. .
The leopard-like beast with seven heads and ten horns arises out of the
sea. He is easily identified by his names of blasphemy. (John the
Revelator is here given yet another vision of this hideous beast that
would spend long ages in the destruction of God's truth and His people.)
And the dragon gave him his power, seat and great authority.
— The wounding of the head of the leopard-like beast. (This took place
in A.D. 1798, when General Berthier took the pop. captive and he died in
exile the following year. The 1260 yean had come to an end.).
— But—later—all the world would again stand in awe of the Beast when
his wound is healed. And the world will worship the Beast at that time..
— The length of time that this terrible beast would have power, prior to
being wounded, also identifies. it: It would continue for 42 months, which
equals 1260 days or prophetic years (A.D. 538 to 1798).
— Still another identifying mark would be its persecuting power which
was to continue for so long a period of time (Carefully read Revelation
U:5.7 with Daniel 7:25. Both are parallel and speak about the same power).
— All will, in the last days, bow down before him except the faithful.
Listen and be warned of what is coming. But the promise is given that
the enemies of God's people will finally be broken without
remedy—Babylon will fall (Rev 13:10 and Rev 17-18). .
— A second beast would arise—this one from the "earth,"
where few. people are located. At first, lamblike, but later fierce as a
dragon,. it would eventually unloose the terrible engines of destruction
against the righteous as the first beast before it had done for so many
centuries. And this beast will be empowered to do wonders that all will
bow down before.
— The second beast will make an image to the first beast, and obedience
will be commanded on pain of death.
— Here is wisdom: Learn the meaning of the Mark of the Beast. Learn it
now . . while there is still time.
Revelation 14