Chapter 101 Who Persecute and Why Because Jesus had
not followed their unbiblical traditions about the Sabbath, what did the
Jews do? What kind of fast
is most acceptable to God? Why did Cain kill
Able? Commenting on
Ishmael's treatment of Isaac, what principle does Paul give us? Who does Paul tell
us will suffer persecution? What is essential
to religious persecution? Since persecution
is invariably wrong, what must be true of persecuting governments? What terrible
deception would it require for religious people to persecute Christians? Who is the original
murderer? When James and John
wished to call down fire from heaven to consume the unbelieving
Samaritans, what did Christ say in reply? Has the Papacy
claimed the authority to persecute? "The Roman Catholic Church, convinced, through its divine prerogatives, of being the only true church, must demand the right to freedom for herself alone, because such aright can only be possessed by truth, never by error. As to other religions, the church will require that by legitimate means they shall not be allowed to propagate false doctrine. Consequently, in a state where the majority of the people are Catholic, the church will require that legal existence be denied to error, and that if religious minorities actually exist, they shall have only a de facto existence without opportunity to spread their beliefs. If, however, actual circumstances, either due to government hostility or the strength of the dissenting groups, makes the complete application of this principle impossible, then the [Catholic] church will require for herself all possible concessions, limiting herself to accept, as a minor evil, the de jure toleration of other forms of worship. In some countries Catholics will be obliged to ask full religious freedom for all, resigned at being forced to cohabitate where they alone should rightfully be allowed to live... We ask Protestants to understand that the Catholic Church would betray her trust if she were to proclaim, theoretically and practically, that error can have the same rights as truth, especially where the supreme duties and interest of man are at stake. The church cannot blush for her own want of tolerance, as she asserts it is principle and applies it in practice." F. Cavalli, S.J., in la Civilt Cattolica (a Jesuit organ published at Rome), April, 1948, quoted in an editorial in The Christian Century, June 23, 1948, p. 623. What divine
command, if obeyed, would do away with all oppression and persecution? What does love not
do? What blessing does
Christ impart to those who are persecuted? "In the eyes of the [Roman] church, Protestants are here- tics pure and simple; and if the name be offensive, it's nothing more than the offensiveness of truth... "We do not question the possibility of good faith, or of the theological distinction between material and formal heresy. That there are among Protestants material heretics, those who in invincible ignorance deny some dogmas of faith while honestly believing themselves to be in possession of the whole deposit, is not for us or even for the church to positively affirm or deny. Only the all seeing Searcher of hearts can know aught of that. But in our opinion, the assertion that Protestants in general are not to be considered as heretics, as men who have voluntarily, in one or other of many ways in which an act can be voluntary, refused the light, merits unqualified condemnation as militating against the present economy of salvation as well as against the efficiency of the means that God infallibly gives to all who do what lies in their power to come into the possession of truth. "In this, as in all other matters of doctrine, the church alone is to be our guide. That the church has ever regarded Protestants as heretics, has ever called them heretics, has ever conducted herself toward them as heretics, is undeniably true, and it ill becomes us to dictate to the church that her terms are 'only partly true' and unnecessarily offensive. "We abominate these spineless Catholics who adopt such methods of kinship and co-operation with Protestants in view of their conversion." The Western Watchman (Roman Catholic), January 27, 1916. |